Diversity Travel Awards
EPA Diversity Travel Award for Students
As part of its ongoing commitment to enhance diversity among its members and meeting attendees, the EPA Diversity Travel Award aims to facilitate meeting attendance by students from underrepresented groups. Students who identify as coming from traditionally marginalized or disadvantaged backgrounds, broadly defined (including but not limited to the NIH definition here), are strongly encouraged to apply. Students will be offered up to $250 reimbursement for registration fees, travel, and lodging costs associated with attending the annual EPA meeting. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to students who are presenting authors at the conference. To be eligible, applicants must complete and submit the application and attend EPA. Recipients will be recognized at the Presidential Address on Saturday and will be reimbursed after the meeting.
To apply: Please include the following information: (1) your eligibility for the award; (2) how the award will benefit you; (3) the work you will be presenting at the conference, including your role in conducting this work and its presentation at EPA; and (4) the name and email address of a faculty member who can confirm your work on this project. Responses to items 1, 2, and 3 combined should be no longer than 250 words. Applications that do not follow these directions will not be reviewed. Applications may be submitted here.
Applications are due on Sunday February 4 at 11:59pm.
Send any questions to Paul Schnur at epaexecofficer@gmail.com
Contributing to the EPA Diversity Travel Award for Students
EPA members, life members and fellows who would like to make a contribution to the diversity travel award fund, should send an email to: EPA Treasurer, Dr. Maryellen Hamilton at mhamilton@saintpeters.edu, write "Diversity Travel Fund" in the subject line, and indicate the amount you would like to contribute in the body of the email. You will be sent a link with instructions to make the contribution.
Note: An anonymous donor has pledged to match each donation made through the end of the meeting (11:59pm on Sunday March 3). Please consider making a generous contribution to this important travel award.