2019 Minutes

2019 Board of Directors Meeting
February 28, 2019, 1:00 PM 
 Marriott Marquis, New York, NY
1.     Present:   Roseanne Flores, Marisa Cohen, Suzanne Baker, Ted Bosack, Stacy Zaremba, Andrea Bubka, Marianne Lloyd, Tamarah Smith, Maryellen Hamilton, Paul Schnur, Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Amy Learmonth, Dana Dunn, Barney Beins, Bonnie Green, Amy Hunter, Patricia Brooks
2.    President’s Welcome:  Dana Dunn opened the meeting with welcoming remarks.
3.    Election committee report:  EPA Past President Susan Krauss Whitbourne announced the results of the election of officers.  Barney Beins was elected President.  Bonnie Green, Amy Hunter and Patricia Brooks were elected to the Board of Directors three year terms.
4.    Membership committee report: EPA President Elect Amy Learmonth presented the nominees for EPA Fellow status:  Leigh Ann Vaughn, Tania Roth, Amy Hunter and Jennifer McCabe were approved as new Fellows.  The vote on the final nominee, Philip Drucker was tabled, pending receipt of additional information, viz., a current CV.
5.    Program Committee: Bonnie Green presented the report, first noting the presence of a contingent of West Point cadets making poster presentations at the meeting.   The quality of EPA submissions continues to be high, with an overall rejection rate of 5%.   
6.    Executive Officer’s Report: EO Paul Schnur gave the report.  Meeting registration, prior to onsite registration was 2096, a figure consistent with previous years; i.e., the New York meeting continues to outdraw meetings in Philadelphia and Boston.  Since we purchased a mobile app, interest in the printed program has held steady at approximately 15% of registrants.  Thus, we will continue to offer the printed program, but our costs will be reduced as we don’t need to print as many as in the past and we are recouping some of the cost by selling the program.  This year, we mailed badges for the first time, with mixed success.  The practice will be evaluated before next year’s meeting.  We continue to enjoy support from our sponsors.  This year, we had 23 exhibitors, each paying $1000 for the booth.  Schnur discussed the new website, completed and launched this year.
7.    Historian’s report: EPA Historian Barney Beins discussed plans for EPA’s 125 anniversary meeting in Boston.  Beins would like to see student involvement in the meeting, and past presidents’ involvement.  Beins suggested that we reach out to past EOs, treasurers, as well.
8.    Treasurer’s report:  Maryellen Hamilton discussed the budget with the Board.
9.    New Business
a.    The Program Chair for 2020 was announced as Jef Lamoureux of Boston College.
b.    There was a discussion about procedures for removing Fellow status for an individual accused of scientific misconduct.   No conclusions were reached.
c.    The board voted a modest dues increase of $5 for members starting next year and no change for associates.  The board also agreed to a new level of membership – Anniversary Society – starting next year.  The dues would be $125 per year for members and would entitle members to attend a special event at the meeting.  The nature of the special event remains to be elucidated. 
d.    A recommendation was made to alter the submissions portal so that only members or association are permitted to submit a proposal.
e.    The board re-affirmed that associates are entitled to give posters at meetings but not talks in paper sessions or as participants in symposia.
10.    Executive session
11.    Adjournment 

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Schnur, PhD

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