2017 Minutes
2017 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
1. Introductions, including guests (new President elect, Dana Dunn; Board members Stacy Zaremba and Suzanne Baker)
2. President Bonato welcomed the Board to Boston meeting
3. Election committee report – Terry Davidson summarized the results of the recent election: Dana Dunn was elected President-elect; Stacy Zaremba, Suzanne Baker, and Ted Bosack were elected to at-large seats on the Board of Directors.
4. Membership committee report – Susan Krauss Whitbourne recommended on behalf of the committee the election of Nancy Rader and Regina Sullivan to Fellow status. Following a discussion of each candidate’s qualifications, the Board voted affirmatively for both candidates.
a. A discussion about procedures for soliciting nominations followed. Board approved the following motion: “Annually, the Board of Directors will solicit nominations (through the President-Elect) for EPA Fellow Status from all Fellows and Board Members, for recognizing outstanding contributions to EPA in the areas of teaching, mentoring, practice or service.” It remains to be determined how outstanding contributions in each area will be defined. The Board agreed to identify criteria before the next call for nominations is sent out.
b. Additional discussion focused on how best to recognize Fellows. Several suggestions were made and a decision will follow discussion by the Board online. (Some suggestions were: A scroll? Pin? Blue “fellow” ribbon at the annual mtg. Announce or present last year’s Fellows at the business meeting. Or, prior to the Thursday plenary.)
c. Similarly, how can we recognize our keynote speakers? Ribbon? Plaque?
5. Program Committee – Byron Nelson gave the Program Committee report. Dr. Nelson is completing his second year as Program Committee Chair, a new chair is needed for next year. Dr. Nelson recommended that Bonnie Green succeed him. The Board agreed and chose Bonnie Green next year’s Program Committee Chair.
6. Exec Off report –Schnur gave Executive Officer’s report citing a successful conference in terms of registration, booth rental and advertising, and programming quality
7. Historian’s report – Barney Beins gave the historian’s report and solicited ideas for fund raising and special events for EPA’s 125th anniversary in 2020.
8. Treasurer’s report – Maryellen Hamilton gave the Treasurer’s report and presented a Budget proposal for next year. The Board approved the budget. In addition, the Board agreed to increase the fee for exhibitors next year to $1000.
9. New Business
a. Member 2 – The Board voted to remove the Member 2 designation from the member database. In effect, members will no longer be penalized for nonpayment of dues in a given year.
b. Receptions – An annual reception to recognize new fellows will be held in conjunction with the annual conference
c. Workshops –The Program committee will consider the addition of workshops to the conference.
d. Position opening postings – There was mixed enthusiasm for a suggestion to post position openings on the website. What do other orgs charge? And how?
e. Website, Twitter, Facebook – Tom Heinzen, Susan K. Whitbourne and Maryellen agreed to work with Paul to revive the Website, Twitter and Facebook accounts.
f. Other – To encourage continuing membership two notifications will be send each year; 1] early September reminder, “your dues are ready to be renewed;” 2] then in October, “the submission site is now open for dues payment and submission of abstracts.”
g. The cost of the printed program keeps rising each year and is costly also in terms of paper. Since the program is available to all members on the mobile app, it is perhaps time to move toward exclusive use of the mobile app. To assess the need for the printed program, next year’s program books will cost $5. This will be announced in the call for submissions and explained by the availability of the program on the free mobile app, a desire of EPA to “go green” and an effort to keep down the cost of membership.
h. Is there a best way to handle registration – to avoid long lines, to ensure that everyone attending has registered and to keep costs low? Mailing?
10. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at approximately 5 PM.