2014 Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
12:00 PM March 13, 2014 
Hancock Room, Boston Park Plaza, New York, NY


Elected Officers
Thomas Zentall, President
Debra Zellner, Past-President
Susan Nolan, President-Elect

Appointed Officers
Frederick Bonato, Executive Officer
Maryellen Hamiliton, Treasurer
Robin Cautin, Historian
Nancy Kim, Program Committee Chair

Elected Board Members
Bruce Brown 
Richard Conti
Terry Davidson
Bonnie Green 
Christopher Hakala 
Marie Helweg-Larsen
James Macdonall 
Irene Pepperberg 
Steven Sloman 

Newly Elected Members-at-large of the BOD (terms starting 6/1/2014)
Mark Bouton
Michael Brown
Ralph Miller


1. 12:00 PM Lunch 

2. 12:20 PM Call to Order- started at 12:25. 

3. President’s welcome

4. Election Committee Report  - 304 voted- Terry Davidson was elected and so resigned from the board. We had to vote that Stan Weiss be invited to join for the remainder of Terry’s term. 

Survey monkey has a problem because some have opted out- they won’t get the ballot. Have to find a different way to hold election. Maybe send an email first- suggests we look at alternatives, Qualtrix might be an option. It’s expensive- Bruce Brown suggests we use a free one that few could opt out of. Bonnie Green- can generate a link and put it in everyone’s link. But there is an integrity issue in that the link can be sent to others. Let’s look for another free survey software- FB

Bonnie Green- need to make sure we do it according to the bylaws. Said that because she is not on the BOD 

5. Program Committee’s Report  
6. Executive Officer’s Report- talked about current meeting- Voted to approve 2022 and 2025 at the Marriott Marquis. 

Membership is good- Idea of dues and registration- Most said could not get reimbursed for membership fee but could for registration. The idea of a lower membership fee and higher registration fee was discussed. 

Bruce – let’s call dues/reg. Maybe a modest increase in dues/reg- Chris Hakala- maybe $75 and keep student dues same. Maybe check a box for getting mailed program. Zellner – maybe $30 – tabled until the financial report. 

Send historian stuff to historian

7. Historian’s Report

8. Treasurer’s Report- great success in NYC. Our value is 401,000 as of March 7th. Good bless Nornine – wants that in the minutes. Tax were filed by deadline- Account did our book keeping and requested no improvements. Was not happy with accountant. Maybe use someone else- July requested 15 big items and send it July 25th. DIdn’t hear from Sept. 5th and then October 3rd requested passwoed, then Oct. 11th corporation papers- then sent bill immediately – then said would review the books- was a 40 minute phone call- then $250 and no suggestions. Total bill was $1,500. Maryellen wants to look around for another one. TO go with someone she is comfortable with. 

The financial statements were discussed- a successful year. Maybe up to $100,000

Might be advantage to separate dues and registration from a marketing standpoint- Steve. 

$60 seems to be good. 

Maybe hire someone to do the it stuff- searhable stuff- a consultant. Do them as we need it done.  

Tom- our conference is competing with other smaller one. 

Should maybe raise dues a little. And have twitter- and apps – mailing out the catalog is retro. 

Deb- motion makes dues a dues/registration- passed unanimously

Deb- increase member dues/registration to $10 and students by $5. Discussion- help with part-time, not sure about getting the paper- bruce. Jim- 

---Fellows report- involvement in EPA – bylaws indicate have to be a member. Trust the committee- President-elect chairs the fellow committee

Tom- anybody elected to or appointed to board- automatic fellows from now on- motion passes. 

Jim MacDonnal- moved to approve top list- all approved. 

Bottom list- 

Tom- anyone who is nominated should be encouraged. The nominated one should be notified to become a member. 
What makes a fellow? What should the requirement be- involvement, scholarship, or both. Discussion of using it as a recruiting tool. It would be easier to have clear criteria. Especially important with clinicians. Don’t we have enough reasonably accomplished members to be fellows- Doesn’t cost anything to make them fellows- Ralph- Some have a percentage. 

Should be ad hoc committee- 
Should have CVs- Jim- 
Should have a committee think through this committee to evaluate- Terry will chair it- Marie- Rich chris, Irene volunteers. 

The second year point was discussed. Need to change the bylaw on this. 

Those who were nominated last year but were not voted on Tom nominated. We need to have a proposal to become a bylaw. That would dealt with by the ad hoc committee. Will have to get around next year until bylaws are changed. 

9. EPAGS discussion

Susan founding faculty advisor. Susan – was strong out of the gate. Then leaders became difficult- rude- Bonnie took over – then Dan.- Susan

Deb- after meeting Dan Gottlieb- email trashing Deb and the meeting. Susan- Diane Finley had problems. We used to fund them- last year- we decided to stop their funding. Wouldn’t do fund raising. However, they ignored that. 
Nancy- very unprofessionally done- with Psi Chi.

Tom- EPAGS an important for the future but the two leaders seem to run it. EPAGS program – actually generated. Should we consider their programing a good response? But two leaders chair every session. 

Deb- motion- shut it down for a year. Then look at it again. Pull all support. Might be doing more harm than good. 

Should we state they follow bylaws- and state they have to be adhered to. Their bylaws should be reviewed and elections should be overseen by us. 

Sya you haven’t been following bylaws and get on a new cycle – all student members are eligible to vote. Election committee has another election to run. All graduate students and undergraduate meetings- the president should come in and give a report each year. How do we structure this to give help. Bylaws should be passed by EPA BOD. Susan- says invalid bylaws in her opinion. Need to tighten up bylaws. Need one special election. Any changes to bylaws were not EPA approved. – need to be. 
This is about next year’s budget- approve conditional until organization is straightened out. 

Next election needs to be in accordance with original bylaws. 

Steve- moves move to election committee- to run an election for EPAGS. Will start with original bylaws. 

Tom would draft a letter and circulate it to board. 

Moritium letter while we re-evaluate your bylaws. Fred will draft letter and circulate to BOD, 

4, 3, 7 to disband- 


Motion- put EPAGS moratorium and an EPA committee put together to revisist bylaws for the future. Unanimous. 

10. Discussion of Budget for 2014-15- passes 

Program committee report- lot of undergrad posters- 250. International was an affiliate this year and very energetic. Psi Chi was good to work with. SCRA- some energy at the beginning then disappeared. We had some changes to online portal. We need a few more. Maryellen- maybe a Thursday night session. We need to look at double bookings again. 

11. New Business- Bonnie represented us at leadership conference- met with regionals- was great to hear what other groups were doing. What we do that is different and Bonnie encourages to continue is that we have a line dedicated to teaching in our program. That might be something we should continue. Most have a separate day for teaching. We should encourage submissions in that category. We can mention it in call for abstracts. 

Terry went to council rep morning session and had an exercise

12. Evaluation of Treasurer and Executive Officer 

13. Adjournment for speaker (about 4 PM)

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