2018 Minutes

2018 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
1. President Susan Whitbourne started the meeting promptly at 1:00 PM with introductions of those present.
2. Present:
a. Board members: Roseanne Flores, Frank Farley, Suzanne Baker, Stacy Zaremba, Ted Bosack, Kelly Goedert Dan Gottlieb, Amy Learmonth. Thomas Heinzen (absent)
b. Ex Officio: Barney Beins (Historian), Bonnie Green (2018 Program Chair), Maryellen Hamilton (Treasurer) Paul Schnur (Executive Officer), Fred Bonato (Past President), Dana Dunn (President-elect)
c. Guests: 2018 elected members of the Board (President-elect, Amy Learmonth; at-large members Andrea Bubka, Marianne Lloyd, and Tamarah Smith)
3. Election committee report – Fred Bonato summarized the results of the recent election: Amy Learmonth was elected President-elect; Andrea Bubka, Marianne Lloyd, and Tamarah Smith were elected to at-large seats on the Board of Directors.
4. Membership committee report – Dana Dunn recommended on behalf of the committee the election of the following:
a. New Fellows from 2018 Nominations: Jyh-Hann Chang, Ph.D.,East Stroudsberg University; Marianne E. Lloyd, Ph.D., Seton Hall University; Mercedes McCormick, Ph.D. Pace University; Andrew Simon, Ph.D., Seton Hall University; Carolyn Greco-Vigorito, Ph.D., St. John’s University.
b. New Fellows Added in 2016 to 2018 due to Election to the EPA Board: Roseanne Flores, Hunter College (2016); Daniel Gottlieb, Sweet Briar College (2015); Tom Heinzen, William Patterson University (2017); Marianne E. Lloyd, Seton Hall University (2018); Tamara Smith, Cabrini University (2018); Stacey B. Zaremba, Moravian College (2017).
c. A motion to accept the report and recommendation was passed unanimously. A congratulatory letter on behalf of the board will be sent to each new Fellow by the EO and Fellows elected from 2018 nominations will be recognized at next year’s Presidential Keynote address. All Fellows will receive an award certificate.
5. A discussion followed about how best to identify candidates for Fellow status. In addition to the annual letter seeking nominations from all fellows, EO will send a current list of EPA members to all board members for review and consideration.
6. Program Committee – Bonnie Green gave the Program Committee report. A discussion about clarifying responsibilities for student submitters and their faculty sponsors followed with a recommendation that the submission portal be modified to include “check-offs” for both students and their sponsors to complete. Dr. Green and Dr. Whitbourne agreed to finalize the recommendations. EO will provide a timeline so that programming can be completed in time for next year’s submissions.
7. Executive Officer’s report – Paul Schnur gave the Executive Officer’s report citing a successful conference in terms of registration, booth rental and advertising, and programming. Last year’s experiment in the choice between purchasing a program book for $5 showed that members and associates overwhelmingly opted to forego a program book and to rely on the mobile app. The data will be used to calculate the number of program books ordered next year. Schnur also presented three models being considered for a new website. Members of the board will make further recommendations to the website committee (Whitbourne, Dunn Heinzen and Schnur) for additional refinements in the website design. A date of May 31, 2018 is the target for completion of the website.
8. Historian’s report – Barney Beins gave the historian’s report and solicited ideas for fund raising and special events for EPA’s 125th anniversary in 2020.
9. Treasurer’s report – Maryellen Hamilton gave the Treasurer’s report and presented a Budget proposal for next year. The Board approved the budget.
10. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 4PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Schnur, Ph.D.

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